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The views expressed here are solely those of the individuals providing them and do not reflect the opinions of the Lincoln Drumline. |
Brent Butler LHS Alumni From: Adel, IA brent@brentbutler.com Found the site via: I run the website.Sunday, June 24th, 2007 07:46:22 PM CDT | For the foreseeable future, this will be the last entry in this guestbook. It is bombarded on a daily basis with spambot-style postings that really make the maintenance of this site difficult. I have no plans of taking the site down, but do think I will convert it a bit into an alumni-based version of what it currently is. At that point, I might look into securing the guestbook further so that spambots can't ruin it. Until then... |
Doug Faubus From: Des Moines, IA. Now I'm in AZ. Found the site via: I was in the DrumlineWednesday, March 7th, 2007 09:45:08 AM CST | Leave the site up. I'm proud that Lincoln's drumline has a site to call their own. If we can get the word out to more alumni I think this site could be reall great. |
Brent Butler LHS Alumni From: Adel, IA brent@brentbutler.com Found the site via: I was in the DrumlineTuesday, December 12th, 2006 08:28:46 PM CST | Percussion Personified-- I apologize for it taking so long to respond and hope you didn't think I deleted your entry. I'd happily be responding via e-mail, but you've provided no address to use. So... I'm not one to follow the advice of complete strangers, so I apologize that I've come across as not listening to you. I pour over your entries with complete confusion. I don't understand your motives at all, how you know me, and why you think I'm "a leader trapped in a followers body," let alone how that relates to our conversation. Nonetheless, that's where I'll begin. I was put in a leadership position in the Drumline in high school, but I've really not been in one since then, other than as a father, of course. I'm OK with that. I see lots of things that I perceive as being wrong with this country and have given a fleeting thought to running for some sort of office, but don't think that's where I want to be at this point in my life; maybe later. I'm happy with what I've accomplished in my short 24 years on this planet and look to the future with optimism. Coming back down to earth and focusing back on the Lincoln Drumline, there's really no reason for this site to remain in operation. I don't get any information to update it and the Lincoln High School Band has created their own site, which appears to be properly maintained and supported by the students, parents, faculty and school, something that this site has never enjoyed. However, I'm not willing to put in the time and effort to tear this site down, so it remains here, a rather pathetic shell of its former self. As I've discussed in the past, I believe this site can only live on as some sort of an alumni site. I'd even like to do that with Lincoln's support so that we're working together and not competing, perhaps even running ads on their behalf, which would obviously be helping them out, for a change. Liberal, eh? That entry was pre-election, wasn't it? I disagree with our president and disagreed with the 109th Congress enough that I suppose I could easily be labeled a liberal. As I get older, I find I'm much-more centered than these divided times allow. Feel free to read through my blog as it frequently touches on politics. This is fun. We should do this more often. |
Percussion personified Found the site via: Another Drumline Web SiteMonday, October 16th, 2006 10:14:04 AM CDT | I was basically "through" with you, but based on the very last line of your rant asking ME for suggestions on how to improve your sight I will comment. I have no suggestions on how to improve your website as if I did you have shown a tendency in the past not to listen to me anyway. But I do have some suggestions. One and maybe formost is to look in the mirror and do a check-up from the neck-up. I will coment on your triad one paragraph at a time starting with your 1st.1-Well then there we have it don't we. You say its a "lincoln Drumline Website," you really don't care to hear from other schools, then you do. Quit riding the line and make a decision to what you want and expect. Make up your mind. You sound like a liberal. 2-You are making this website available (to a selected few as in it should be about Lincoln or don't bother) by your own free will therefore no school is going to subsidise your efforts financially or otherwise. You don't want them to. They then would want to control the content. 3-Well then if thats true, then you shouldn't ask everyone if you should shut down the site should you? Again, make up your mind. Don't cry "wolf" if theres none around. 4-Good God man. Wake up! What do you mean by you haven't discouraged good comments? Read your 1st paragraph. 5-There you go again. If you are not from Lincoln your message is stay away. Again, make up your mind. If "others" are not wanted then you are at the mercy of "Lincolns Drumline" for ALL your expectations which evidently aren't being met or you wouldn't be asking "others" if you should shut this site down! 6-Congratulations! Sounds like you feel that everything is fine. Then whats the problem? Lets sit around the campfire, hold hands and sing "Kum-By Ah" shall we? 7-I am not trying to put you on the defensive. I am trying to figure you out. Granted, I have a life too, I know of you in-directly, and I find you very intelligent. But for some reason, I can't reach you. Unlike you, I don't give up easily, don't bite the hand thats trying to understand me, and am trying to instill some self-confidence in you. Right now you come across as a follower. While there is nothing wrong with being a follower, I sense leadership qualities in you. Thats part of your problem, and my money says its been that way for a long time. Thats whats eating you up. You ARE a leader trapped in a followers body. You currently are not comfortable in your own skin. Thats good actually because you know that and deep inside you would like to make a difference, THUS this website for it furfills part of that need. Good for you. 8- If you don't think you could be a instructor then you are probably right. But there a number of other things you could do that would help others in the Drum world and give you satisfaction at the same time. You just have to clear your head first and decide what and where to put your talents. 9- I couldn't tech a line as any drumming talent I had left me many years ago. I do however have lots of experience with self-motivation and leadership. Problem is most people don't want to hear it. Its the old addage, "Do you want me to hurt your feelings or do you want me to tell you the truth?" Everyone responds that they want the truth. So I tell them the truth and I end up hurting their feelings. 10- Glad to hear about your family. I would expect nothing less. I understand the balancing act we as parents have to juggle between work, recreation,and family.The best policy however is try to find a way to "fit" the schedual around the kids, and visa versa. Exposure to the ARTS is never a bad thing, especially music. Who knows, you may have a future "Boston Pops" artist on your hands. 11- Again, I feel you are misconstruing my intent. I have never complained about you personally or this site. Hell, if I didn't like you and your intentions not only would I NOT visit from time to time, I sure as heck wouldn't spend time responding to your post. You are a interesting fellow. You just need to focus on what you really want for this site, stop with the "Its for Lincoln" followers only, and if thats really true, stop asking for suggestions on how to improve this site. Davey Crockett many years ago ran as a congressman for the state of Tennessee. His campaign slogan was "Decide whats right, then do it." He won the election. I would submit to you that perhaps you should follow his advise. (If this was to personal for you, Don't respond, or e-mail me privately.) |
XRumer_OK From: Rusland Found the site via: Another Drumline Web SiteSunday, October 15th, 2006 04:40:54 PM CDT | Hi from XRUMER ;)) Anybody home?
TP LHS Student From: badlands Found the site via: I'm in the DrumlineWednesday, October 11th, 2006 09:13:22 PM CDT | state is tomorrow!!! |
Brent Butler LHS Alumni From: Adel, IA brent@brentbutler.com Found the site via: I run the website.Tuesday, October 10th, 2006 09:37:19 PM CDT | Let's dissect that entry, shall we?- The site is entitled, "The Lincoln Drumline Website." I don't expect to read about the Packers when I visit ChicagoBears.com or about the Blue Devils when I go to Cavaliers.org. Mentioning other schools is by no means taboo, but common sense would indicate that this site would be much more about Lincoln than other schools.
- With regard to this site, I have never received any significant assistance from Lincoln High School, the Des Moines Public Schools, or the Lincoln Band program. One could argue that it perhaps I should, but I'd disagree. After all, what do they get from it?
- Site traffic isn't something that keeps me awake at night. I don't have specific numbers since traffic from all of BrentButler.com, including this site, are lumped together. Nonetheless, it's surprisingly healthy with a stale look and no current calendar information since December.
- I do not recall any instance where I discouraged any good comments on this site and, in fact, can point to several instances where I've invited feedback. The home page currently requests such feedback on whether or not this site should stay alive.
- I also did not create this site as an overall message board on drumming; there are already plenty of sites out there for that. I frankly created it for me and others that have or are currently in Lincoln's Drumline. I get the impression that Alumni get much more out of it than do current Drumline personnel.
- The "short story" on the Lincoln Drumline now includes 1,747 Guestbook entries and comprise of some 71,272 words, not counting this entry, spanning some 1,786 days. None of it is Pulitzer-worthy stuff, but that's still quite a lot of information.
I fail to understand why you, Percussion Personified, seemingly insist on trying to put me on the defensive. Most folks don't do anything for their alma mater; this is at least something.I have little desire to become an instructor primarily because I don't believe I'm cut out for it. Perhaps that's something you could do; doing so will further "your love of the game," or so I'm told. I have two children under the age of 5 that I love dearly; that is love. My interest in marching percussion is more of a hobby than a love or a passion. Having my priorities set in that order, I unfortunately will be unable to attend the State competition in Waukee this upcoming Saturday for an incredibly selfish reason: my son's 3rd birthday party. I regret that I won't be able to attend; I sincerely enjoy seeing Lincoln and other local schools perform and wish them well. On a side note, this is a guestbook on an unofficial site for a high school drumline. I'm surprised that someone took the time to post a complaint about it; however, it is refreshing to see that someone cares about this little corner of the web. I'd like to read some suggestions that you might have on how I could improve it. |
Percussion Personified Found the site via: Another Drumline Web SiteTuesday, October 10th, 2006 06:45:02 AM CDT | Brent, thats one of the problems with this site. If this is indeed a LINCOLN only drumsite then I'll go my merry way like many others as I have no affilation with Lincoln directly. Perhaps if you made others feel welcome you'd have more traffic. It looks like Lincoln could care less about this site, about you, and about music in general and Drumming in particular. Then I show a interest in your history and skills, show a interest in you in perhaps furthering your love of the game by being a tech somewhere and you thank me by stating that this is all about LINCOLN and noboby else. If it is a Drumming website I would think all opinions were not only wanted but encouraged. If you want it to revolve solely around LINCOLNS DRUMLINE well then, that would be a really short story. |
Brent Butler LHS Alumni From: Adel, IA brent@brentbutler.com Found the site via: I run the website.Wednesday, October 4th, 2006 08:47:14 PM CDT | Since I haven't seen Lincoln perform in a while, I won't comment on their supposed decline. But, yes, a good friend of mine is an instructor over at Dowling and I've heard quite positive things about them. Isn't this site about Lincoln, though? :-) I enjoy listening to marching bands, drum corps and drumlines, but I haven't really picked up a pair of sticks since I graduated. I have my doubts how much help I could really be to any line. That said, I am familiar with the fundamentals and could at least point out and explain how to fix mistakes. However, I genuinely don't have the extra time I think would be necessary to properly teach/help a line. My sincere hope is to make it to State in Waukee. We'll see... |
Percussion Personified From: central Iowa Found the site via: Another Drumline Web SiteWednesday, October 4th, 2006 07:42:55 PM CDT | Looks like Dowling is just in another league. very similar to drum Corps. I heard a former Lincoln drummer is helping them out. Why isn't Lincoln as good as a few years ago? Brent, since you love it so much, why don't you get on as a tech somewhere? |
Brent Butler LHS Alumni From: Adel, Iowa brent@brentbutler.com Found the site via: I run the website.Wednesday, October 4th, 2006 10:17:28 AM CDT | Thanks for the kind words, Jeff. My current thoughts are to leave it as is since that's the easiest. I don't think losing all this information would be necessarily tragic, but could serve as the start of a kind of Lincoln Drumline Alumni site or something. My years in the Lincoln Drumline might very well be the most fun I'll ever have, so this site has always been my way of saying "thank you" to the organization that gave me those great memories. Unfortunately, I have no way to keep it up-to-date since I don't know anyone on the line anymore or anyone on the band program, hence my thoughts on focusing it more on the past than the present. We'll see. For right now at least, I'll let it just kinda sit here. Jeff, would you be able to take a look at the Rosters and possibly fill in some blanks from your time on the line? I found that I was able to dig out old photos and remember a lot of names. For Dave (and any other current/former Lincoln Drumliners)-- The address to update your profile is http://www.brentbutler.com/dl/. You can e-mail me for your User ID and Password if you do not know/remember them, or if your name does not currently appear on the Rosters. |
Jeff Siasoco LHS Alumni From: Saint Joseph, MO constantforce@yahoo.com Found the site via: I was in the DrumlineWednesday, October 4th, 2006 12:02:46 AM CDT | Hey. I may be a little late here, but I really appreciate this site. I may be really removed from this, but it's important to me to be able to check in and see how the alma mater is doing. I definitely love to see contest dates and results! I think it's an excellent site, and it would be a shame to see it go. If you decide to shut it down, thanks for the great work. |
... LHS Student From: DMI Found the site via: I've been here beforeThursday, September 7th, 2006 05:27:56 PM CDT | i like the site although it needs updated, but i love keeping up with the drumline |
_ LHS Alumni Found the site via: I was in the DrumlineFriday, August 25th, 2006 01:43:08 AM CDT | just shut it down. the kids that are around now don't appreciate anything that anyone does for them. they certainly don't care about bringing honor to a group that used to be good and whose members once did it for more than the fact that they thought they looked cool with a drum on. frankly they don't deserve all the time you're putting into this and getting no thanks in return. they're just a bunch of ungrateful little brats who don't deserve the good name that's been passed down from the people who came before them. the people who actually knew how to play their music, and treated everyone like part of the group, and put on challenging and exciting shows, not just the same 4 tired cadences over and over again. that was the lincoln drumline. it doesn't exist anymore. and what exists now in its place is simply embarassing. you shouldn't waste your time keeping up a website devoted to that. |
Dave LHS Alumni From: Des Moines (Originally) New Hampshire at the moment Found the site via: I was in the DrumlineWednesday, August 23rd, 2006 09:47:09 PM CDT | All I want to do is update my profile Brent!! HELP! |
Dave LHS Alumni From: Des Moines (Originally) New Hampshire at the moment Found the site via: I was in the DrumlineWednesday, August 23rd, 2006 09:40:05 PM CDT | Brent: I do love this site. I like being able to come to this site to check up on the drumline and read new memebers profiles. Maybe as a suggestion, just get rid of the guestbook. I like the site for the Photo gallaries. This site keeps my memories of high school drumming bright and alive! The decision is ultimatly yours I just thought I would voice my 2 cents worth. Hope you figure this out. |
Daniel From: Tulsa Ok buff_dan2001@yahoo.com Found the site via: GoogleWednesday, August 23rd, 2006 12:11:27 PM CDT | Hi I am the drumline captian from EHS I really like your site it gave me my start on writing cadences keep it up kepp the music alive because we shut dow our site 2 years ago and we have lost almost all of our original cadences Keep it you won't regret it |
sure Found the site via: Another Drumline Web SiteSaturday, August 19th, 2006 11:48:35 PM CDT | shut the site down, i'd say it's doing more harm than good |
brad From: fort pierce, fl Found the site via: GoogleSaturday, August 19th, 2006 02:26:44 PM CDT | my 2 cents: do not shut down the site. i began searching the internet for drumline recordings 30 minutes ago and this is one of the best sites i have found. i know website maintenance can get overwhelming so maybe do not worry so much about keeping the news/pix current. the site loox awesome. |
Mike Dilling LHS Student From: des moines Found the site via: I'm in the DrumlineFriday, August 18th, 2006 03:46:56 PM CDT | dont shut down this site!!! i like the cadences so then i can pracitce them so plese add truck and RS |

The views expressed here are solely those of the individuals providing them and do not reflect the opinions of the Lincoln Drumline. |
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