1999-2000 Recordings |
2:30 1.72 MB Performed Saturday, February 5, 2000 |
This was performed in the Lincoln High School cafeteria on an early Saturday morning to a crowd of hungry, pancake-loving fans. This includes a Green Acres beginning, Sticks and Swing, Truck, and then Echo Chex, written by Dave Arthur. |
0:32 0.37 MB |
Written by the 1998-1999 & 1999-2000 drum captain, Dave Arthur, Echo Chex is a Lincoln Drumline original that debuted in 1999. |
1:43 1.18 MB Performed Tuesday, October 26, 1999 |
Performed with Solstice in the Ankeny High School gym during the Ankeny Drumline Competition, Helichopter was a part of our contest performance there. |
2:00 1.37 MB Performed Tuesday, October 26, 1999 |
Performed with Helichopter in the Ankeny High School gym during the Ankeny Drumline Competition, Solstice was a part of our contest performance there. It was also played in 1997 at the same contest. |
0:54 0.62 MB |
Sticks and Swing has been part of the Lincoln routine for quite some time. Originally, there was nothing but snares through the first half of this as we were simply copying Iowa State very poorly. But, in this rendition, Lincoln includes a bass run that it has never been able to do plus other parts that were added along the way. This very popular cadence continues to evolve at Lincoln. Check out the 2000 version to hear various improvements that were made in just one year. |
2:01 1.39 MB |
Pretty self-explanitory; these are Lincoln's warm-ups. It starts with Eights twice, goes into G-Cs, then West Coast, Two-Four Roll Exercise twice, then finishes with a roll exercise. |
2000-2001 Recordings |
1:20 0.93 MB Performed Saturday, September 30, 2000 |
Recorded at the Mt. Pleasant Marching Band Invitation, this is our drum feature placed within the song "Late in the Evening" by Paul Simon. Part of the feature itself was stolen from a 1989 Phantom Regiment tune called "Mardi Gras" and the rest was written exclusively for Lincoln by Josef Weldon from Iowa State University. You will hear the drum feature plus the end of "Late in the Evening." Lincoln received the Best Percussion caption award when this was performed. |
0:51 0.59 MB Performed Tuesday, August 8, 2000 |
Lincoln has been copying Iowa State playing this (and doing a bad job at it) for awhile. But, improvements have been made over the years. The entire cadence from start to finish has been changed just since 1997. In fact, the entire last half of this is different from 1999 in that a heavily watered-down version was still being used. The 2000 version is played exactly as it was written for Iowa State, making it one of the more challenging cadences for Lincoln. |